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IPX Practice Sat 10/11/2007

Fuzz's picture
10/11/2007 14:00
10/11/2007 15:00
Challenge Details
Challenge Type: 
Team IPX
Internode pub servers (GA servers unavailable)
Not Applicable

Please make sure you have Vent AND in game voip set up and working beforehand. (Linuxers obviously excused from in game VOIP).

No need to RSVP, turn up if you’re free. If you’re not, don’t worry.

I won’t necessarily be able to make it, but I thought I’d organise something for anyone who was able to make it.


and this one.

I have also seen this one and will be in attendance.

ltmon's picture

Unlikely to be available...

Entertaining the inlaws Saturday evening.

Fuzz's picture

Day time maybe

I’m thinking of putting this one in the day anyway. That covers those who can make it at night (Thurs) and those who can make it in the day (Sat).
Either way, if you can make it cool, if not no problem.

Fuzz's picture

Plan B - Pub stack

GA’s bookable servers are unavailable on Saturday apparently (could be comp related). Practice will have to just be pub stack.

Time – 2pm to 4pm

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